Production Update #19: Shoot confirmed June 17,18,19
Hello, again, incredibly-patient indie-film fans!
Thanks again to the dozen or so cast & crew members who attended our table screening in May. I think everybody got a chance to see how the project is developing, and most I hope are eager to move forward. Thanks for all the positive feedback.
The great news is that all of our principals have now confirmed their availability for an intensive 3-day shoot in mid-June. Here are the details:
Friday June 17, 2005
location: Robert & Debra Lemieux's home in Westminster, MD
crew call: 9:30am
cast call: 11am
bathroom scene #1--Talia, Flynt (they meet again)
bedroom scenes #1-3--Talia, Flynt (Flynt heals as Talia cares for him)
wrap shoot by: 6pm
Saturday June 18
location: Robert & Debra Lemieux's home
crew call: 9:30am
cast call: 11am
bedroom scenes #4-5--Talia, Flynt (more of Flynt healing as Talia cares for him)
barnyard bingo pickup shots (CU Ray & Novia's reaction to cow)--2 lines of dialog, need to match wardrobe to previous Bingo shoot
wrap shoot by: 6pm
Sunday June 19
location: TBD -- possibly interior Lineboro Bar; or Talia's wild ride through country on vintage 1947 fire engine
crew & crew call: TBD
Those who are confirmed thus far:
cast: Novia Campbell, Ray Phillips
crew: Gordon Masters, Bob Sapora, Robert Lemieux, Jonathan Slade
If you are available for any of these days and would like to participate, just shoot me an email and we'll put you on the schedule...
I'll forward any updated production schedule info as I get it. And, as always, I truly appreciate everyone's support and enthusiasm...
Let's keep the camera rolling!
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