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Production Update #20: Prop Alert

Just a quick note to anyone coming to the shoot tomorrow and Saturday:

We still need a few more random props to "junk-up" Doc Flynt’s bedroom. It's supposed to be a place where an old guy has lived in a small rural town by himself for a number of years. And while Robert and Debra Lemieux's house has perfect period furniture  -- the room is like a museum. Immaculate. (I am soooo jealous! One of the many things that ends up falling to the wayside when you are throwing as many hours as you can at a micro-budget independent film -- basic housekeeping.)

So, we just need a few simple things to toss about so that the character of Talia can clean it up on camera...


Old dress shirts, towels, sheets, paperbacks, magazine, cardboard boxes.  I even have an old set of luggage and a spare car tire that I'm going to bring. Rest assured: We will not be damaging or dirtying any of these props; they are just set dressing... (Hey, Gordon, do you have any vintage props stashed in the trunk of your Saab? I'm always surprised what you pull out of that thing...)

Anything you can throw in a bag or box and bring along would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks again -- looking forward to tomorrow's shoot...  


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