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Production Update #22: Another great shoot!

Thanks to everyone who worked a second full weekend in a row -- on Saturday 6/25 we picked up shots at the 2005 Barnyard Bingo, and on Sunday 6/26 we spent 4 1/2 hours out in 95 degree heat filming Talia on a 1947 fire engine...

Thanks Linda Kirkpatrick for the homemade blueberry muffins... again with the healthy food!

Thanks Julie Kirkpatrick for slating...

Thanks Gordon Masters for meticulously rewinding a crumpled audio tape by hand in the middle of a field...

Thanks Bob Sapora for hanging off the side of a vintage fire engine to get that POV shot...

Thanks Novia Campbell for hanging off the side of a vintage fire engine in a sweaty wedding dress...

And thanks to the Lineboro Fire Department -- especially John, Will, Keith, and Greg --  for donating a scorching hot day to this no-budget cinematic beast...

I'm driving the raw footage and audio down to Colorlab today (Monday) to be developed and transferred... Cross your fingers that all will come out great!

NEXT POTENTIAL SHOOT DATES:  Possibly the weekend of July 16-17. I will update you on location and script pages if this shoot comes together... Script pages? What are they?

Thanks, as always, for your support and patience... See ya on the set!

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